Friday, February 16, 2007

Why Do We Get Paid So Much For Taking Surveys?

Why Do We Get Paid So Much For Taking Surveys?

Quite simply, companies know that most of us don't want to be intruded upon by uninvited phone calls or unsolicited e-mail, snail mail, and internet requests for one of life's most valuable resources - our time!

In fact, since the development of the "Do Not Call List" we are forced to update our list of companies who want to pay you for your opinion more often. Here's why: if these big companies call a stranger to ask their opinion and that person's name is on the "Do Not Call List," it could cost them more than $10,000 in penalties! They want more good folks like you from whom they can ask their questions.

So a good portion of that $41 billion is now ploughed into creating on-line surveys and focus groups, and for compensating the time you invest in their questionnaires with money.

If You Know How To Click A Mouse
Then You Are Already Qualified

You would have to try real hard to come up with an easier way to make money and enjoy the benefits of working from home. It really doesn't get easier then this!

All You Really Need Is A Connection To The Internet

The majority (practically all) of the surveys don't require typing, except for your name and address. You simply click on a link that takes you directly to a survey on an Internet site.

Once in the survey, you'll see some multiple choice questions with either a small circle or a checkbox next to each possible answer.

Then you click the circle or box to indicate which of the answers closest resembles your preference or opinion. Then you go on to the next question until completed.

Check out my other blogs on this subject and find out more.


Dominick Review - Get paid $25 in 8 minutes while in your underwear, sounds great doesn't it? Well, it works just like that, fortunately for me. There are days when I decide it's better to just stay home with my door closed in my underwear, and do a few surveys. My friends all think I'm on drugs for staying home so long, but I'm making more money than them, so I could care less.

Lets go over this real quick:

Incredible as it may seem, most people are totally unaware that big corporations will gladly pay you to fill out simple surveys on the internet.

Here's why they do this...

Big corporations do a lot of testing before they launch a product on the market. They really have to because if it bombs, it costs them millions of dollars.

Yet year after year, companies release some of the dumbest products you've ever heard of - like garlic cake or edible deodorant. Or how about the geniuses who released aerosol toothpaste and packaged it for kids. Guess what happens when you give kids an aerosol can and encourage them to press the trigger? It was a huge marketing disaster as well as a stickymess.

Inside each company people advocate products that have no chance of making it in the real world. And the corporate bean counters are catching on that they can not rely on their "in house" research teams because they aren't getting honest results.

So their next step was "focus groups" where they invited people in to their headquarters and asked them questions about their shopping practices. But they soon discovered the information they collected about their home town market had nothing to do with the world wide market.

That's where you come in. These companies need your knowledge, opinion and expertise to prevent them from shooting themselves in the foot again. They will gladly pay for your time in order to save themselves from a potential marketing disaster.

It's totally true, I used to work as a fast food place, and we would have mystery guests all the time. My mom used to get paid to sample products, and my father used to sample products whenever he went out, there are companies that actually pay you to take part in this. Sell it, sample and review it, give your opinion, whatever, they pay you, and are more than happy to do it. Now that that is settled.......

Let's Anticipate The Most Frequent Questions...
Here's What Survey Scout Is NOT!

  • No technical or computer skill required. You don't need to be a geek or wizard to participate.
  • No Website ownership or Website maintenance required. In fact, the less you know about the Internet, the better.
  • No specialized learning or education needed. These companies want you just the way you are.
  • No Multi Level Marketing. You don't have to convince your friends to sign up in order for you to succeed.
  • No pressure at all. You set your schedule and the number of hours you want to work in a day
  • No products to sell. In fact, in many cases the companies will send you their own products free so you can test them!
  • No inventory to carry. You don't need to lay out hundreds of dollars hoping something sells.
  • No deliveries to make or arrange. Since you aren't selling anything, you're paid for your opinion only.
  • No business overhead. You don't need to rent an office, put in a special phone line, or hire employees.
  • No financial risk. You don't layout any money to participate in these opinion surveys.
  • No product "house parties". You'll never be embarrassed into buying something you don't need.
  • No "cold calls" to make. They want your opinion only. You'll never have to call anyone else (except to brag about how much money you're making.)
  • No calls to make, period.
  • No collecting orders or money either for or from other people. Remember, there are no sales involved.
  • No quotas. You work as much or as little as you like. Want to pay for your daughter's wedding? Work a little more that month. Want to spend time with your kids? Work a little less.
  • No Supervisor or Manager directing or inspecting what you do. You're the boss and you call all the shots.
Did that help? I hope so, there go all the rumors you are used to hearing regarding taking surveys. This program SurveyScout does everything it is supposed to, and a bit more. You will get emails once in a while reminding you to refer others, and just general up to date market research FAQ that you can use to inform others. Great way to get back what you put it.
Let's go over some things we might have missed previously....

How SurveyScout Works

Your earnings depend on how many on-line surveys you want to do. Surveys will payout anywhere from $5 to $50. And, besides cash, some surveys offer prizes like MP3 players, car rentals, and plasma TVs. In fact some programs may insist on sending you products (at their expense) so they can ask you more questions (and pay you more in the process.)

But wait, there's more...

In Addition To Surveys,
You Can Choose To Partake In Focus Groups,
Some Of Which Payout
Anywhere From $75 to $150 Each!

Focus groups are like an extended survey…they take more time and go into more depth. That's why they pay more then "standard" surveys.

Something I should share with you, it sounds silly now. Initially I felt a wee bit guilty thinking about how simple, stress-free, and easy it was for me to make over $6,200 some months. I was brought up to treat money as something that required a lot of hard effort to acquire.

Once of the greatest things about this program, is you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to do CPC advertising, or any other type of advertising. Just do the surveys, refer your friends, and get paid. Nothing more on your part required, which I like a lot, cause I'm a lazy kind of guy.

Hope that was good enough to inform you, the site link is here The cost of the program, $34.95, is made up within two surveys, some surveys will pay you $25, some it will be $50. Go get it!

Good Luck!

Dominick G

Review Of

Straight-forward, and informative. This site shows you how different companies will pay you to:

redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Take online surveys - Get paid from $5 to $125 Each Survey!
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Get paid to drive your car $1000 to $3000 per month!
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Participate in Focus Groups - Get Paid up to $150 per hour
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Try new products and paid $10 to $25 or even more (Keep the products FREE!)
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Take telephone surveys and get paid up to $120 per hour.
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Preview new movie trailers and get paid anywhere from $10 to $25 per hour.
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Get paid to take surveys offline and get paid $5 to $95 per hour
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Get Paid $10 to $40 per hour To Shop and Eat!
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Get Paid $10 to $50 To Set Appointments online!
redcheck2.jpg (557 bytes) Get Paid To Travel - Earn $100's each month just for traveling!

At the time of writing this, the program will cost just $34.95, but here is the great part of the whole deal, you get the following programs for FREE!

Get Paid To Drive! $29.95 Value
Get Paid To Pass Out Free Samples $24.95 Value
Get Paid To Read Emails $19.95 Value

But how good are these free programs? Let's just say I started out doing much better with the free programs, but eventually, the Paid Surveys system earnings surpassed what I was making from Getting Paid To Read Emails, wasn't too surprised when that happened.

So the system takes a while to implement, but once you get it going, like anything, the money will start rolling in, or, the checks, rather, will start to roll in. Getting paid by check is great because you can always show your friends, "Hey guys, look at what I got just from taking an online survey." They won't believe you, so then you can show them your bigger check the next month, and the next.

Eventually your friends will figure out what you are doing and demand to join you in your business opportunity, and you of course get a referral bonus of $21.89, or 75% of the original sale, not bad right?

Don't wait too long deciding if it's for you, visit the site now, and thanks for reading.

Site link: here

Why Do I Like Paid Surveys?

Dear Friend,

If you would like to know how you to can take advantage of this… and make $3500+… per month, this is going to be the most important website you will ever stumble upon.

Here is why:

Fortune 500 Companies Need Me…
A 34 Year Old Work From Home
Mother Of Two

And as if that isn’t enough:

They Also Need You!

Each day I help these companies to make millions. I’m not a marketing whiz or an ex sales executive. Actually to be honest I know absolutely nothing about business.

But what I do know about is what I like. The products I buy. And guess what: That’s the exact info large companies are willing to pay a premium for.

If they don’t know what their average customers needs and wants, they won’t have a business come the next season.

So how do they remedy this? Quite simply they pay millions of dollars each month, to normal average people. In return these normal average people just jot down their opinions, and answer questions.

Questions like: How many times per month do you shop for groceries?

I personally do this online. I know people who have the surveys mailed to them. But I myself can logon to the internet, sign in to my account and complete a survey within 5 minutes.

In that time I usually earn $20 - $45. Not bad. With a few of these a day:

I Manage To Earn Around $3000 - $4000 Every Month

I quit from my old job at the postal office. Telling my boss to “Shove It” was the best feeling I’ve ever had.

Since then my life has changed dramatically. I love it.

In the morning I wake up my son Alex and daughter Jenny. Then as they get ready for school, I head downstairs, and turn on my laptop. Quickly I log into my account and complete a quick survey.

That usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. After that I refresh my account, and love to see $25 - $35 added to my account balance.

Then I’ll make sure my kids have a good breakfast, before dropping them off at the local school. A usually stop for a chat with the other moms, before I stroll home again.

I then watch some day time TV while:

Taking a simple, easy online survey - $5 to $75 per survey!
Participating in an online focus group - $50 to $150 per hour!
Trying out new products, everything from shoes to stereos – Keeping the products and getting paid!
Previewing Movie Trailers Online – Then answer a yes/no questionaire (did I like it) for $12 to $35

To do any of these I:

  1. Login and see what’s available
  2. Find something which pays a good amount, i.e above $20
  3. Select one I like the look of, and click “add to list”
  4. Complete this survey, or preview the trailer etc then make sure the amount is added to my account balance.

That’s it, if I want I can do it again, and earn even more. I am never worried about not having enough surveys to do because there are hundreds of new surveys added daily. I could never complete all of them. And the supply of surveys will never dry up.

The demand for market research is far too strong. A few years ago these companies needing customer’s opinions would hold market research days. At these events hundreds would turn up to test new products and complete surveys.

It cost the companies millions to stage these events, as paying for people to physically travel to these venues was not cheap. With the rise of the internet however, these companies can create online surveys.

These surveys cost nothing to send out, and nothing for the customer to complete. Therefore the companies can afford to pay much more. By paying $25 - $45 these companies are actually saving money compared to what they used to pay.

Of course now everyone I know completes online surveys for quick cash! My mom is retired and does just one or two surveys a day. My brother in law is just out of college and has a great job... but completes surveys at weekends for extra cash that pays for his holidays.

My best friend just had a baby and when I told her what I was doing and how much I was making she tried it out before going back to work. She is so happy she did .. now she stays home with her daughter and makes great money .. and she spends wonderful quality time with her child. This is such a great job I know you will just love it.

I setup this site after noticing what a great difference filling out online surveys made to my family’s lives. They’re all now financially free. My mother goes on vacations like me and can keep up with the payments on her house and flashy car.

I have created a members area on this site which contains everything you need to start completing surveys.

There are over 100,000 companies listed who all need surveys completed. When they need surveys completed they’ll simply submit their survey to the members area. Within days they can close that survey and analyse the results.

Although thousands of people currently complete surveys, there is never a shortage of work. In truth thousands more are needed to keep up with demand..

That’s where you step in. Y’see for a risk free trial of 60 days I’ll let you become one of my members. You’ll be able to try completing surveys free for 60 days and if you decide not to continue you won’t be charged a penny.

… But Before You Get Excited,
Paid Surveys Not For Everyone:

In fact, I can’t even allow most people to sign up. Why? Because the companies only want people who will actually complete at least one survey per week, spaces must be limited only to those who are serious!

If you're the kind of person who will waste my time by receiving your log in details then floating off for your next venture. FORGET IT.

Whereas if you think you can be dedicated enough to work the hour or two a day to complete surveys: I want to hear from you:

Enrol in my 60 day trial and if you succeed in completing at the least one survey per week.. I’ll let you stay on as one of my members.

… It Costs $49.99 to Join But You Can Take Advantage Of My 60 Day Free Trial:

I am so confident you will start earning a full time income after joining; I can let you have a 100% free 60 day trial.

If in the 60 day period you email saying you weren’t satisfied, you will have your deposit returned!

That's plenty of time to make sure you can actually start earning with PaidSurveys without risking any money.

There are just too many times in life when people are NOT willing to hold themselves accountable for their own services. How many people have a stock broker who will guarantee he will make you money... or... he will refund your investment? Is there an attorney who will guarantee he will win your case... or... he will refund your money? I am thoroughly willing to make such a statement... and... more than willing to back it up.

The simple fact is if you don’t start earning…. If your life doesn’t change dramatically… then I don't want your money.

I think that's only fair. I don't ever want to sell a product to someone that's not getting 100 times+ the value for what they paid me.

Ready to get started? I thought you might be! Click here now to begin.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Is it really possible to get paid for taking a survey? No way right? Sorry, it seems that you CAN get paid, but the process takes some getting used to.